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Product Information











Argentochloride electrode (length ca. 6cm, diameter ca. 4mm, glass body, liquid junction fabricated classically - using vycor "thirsty" glass).

Argentochloride electrode without electrolyte filling, for non-aqueous reference preparation (length ca. 6cm, diameter ca. 4mm, glass body, easy assembly).

Voltammetric electrodes (Au, Pt - dia 2mm, GC - dia 3mm; other materials on demand, elecrode bodies from PEEK (length 6cm, dia 6mm), Kel-F or PTFE bodies possible). Brass contact.

Detachable voltammetric electrodes. 1 cm long electrode tip suitable for insertion into electron microscope etc.

Multiple voltammetric electrode, figure shows double GC elektrode (2mm diameter GC), PEEK body 8 and 10 mm. It is possible to make multimaterial electrode (GC, Au, Pt, Ag) and different number of active surfaces (e.g., triple electrode).))

Low (4-6mm) profile electrodes. Designed to study electrodeposited layers by photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).

Auxiliary electrodes, contain 5 cm of hardened Pt wire of 0.5 mm diameter; 3.5 cm protrudes from the electrode body. Other lengths possible, can be wound into spiral.

Electrode holder for fastening plate and other material specimen.

Other electrodes (e.g. carbon paste electrode with piston and replaceable teflon reservoirs for carbon paste. Various electrode diameters. Piston lock; assembly as shown in the Fig.)


We strive to develop our electrodes to have comparable or even better characteristics as are the parameters of similar devices supplied by our competitors, as documented by voltammograms of ferro/ferricyanide redox couple on GC electrodes generously supplied by one of our customers.